Archivo por meses: octubre 2016

#LastDay #MakingVideo #Ken

Soooooo today’s  last day of #Semanai!!!! It’s sad because I’m going to miss to see everyday…


…but I’ll see him in class haaaaaa.

Today was about video, the first hours of course, we had Diego Zavala as our guest, and he talked about how a video can tell a story, and it doesn’t have to be like a super produced video, you can say a lot with one minute, a few pictures and audio in this, he also talked about this page called STORYCENTER which is about tell and listening to short stories about people around the world, and I think it’s awesome because when you think about make a video you think that you need a lot of production, and you’re not, you just need an idea or a though. So I will post a video of my beautiful dog ‘cause you know, I love him more than anything in the world, and he’s the cuttest.


Ok moving on to Digital Identity, we had a deep conversation with Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard, this day was full of questions which was really good,there were questions about security online, some others about how blowing and writing in public spaces can help you out as a therapy or to just free ourselves from things that we keep inside.

This was an awesome experience,thank you to everyone involved but most of all thanks to Ken!!

Oh, BTW it was nice to use twitter again!! look at this: